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Author: Heather Jackson


How to Get Back Into Reading 

Reading has so many benefits for mental health. You can reduce your stress levels by reading for just a few minutes every day. Not to mention, reading expands your vocabulary an strengthens connections in the brain. Often, people who read a lot as kids and…


How to Actually Stick to Your Resolutions 

We are well into January now, and many people around the world are diving headfirst into their New Year’s resolutions. Sadly, though, many people end up quitting on their resolution, only to be frustrated at themselves for not following through. Why do we do this…

ReEntry Services

What Is A ReEntry Program? 

Hundreds of thousands of people are released from prisons in the United States every year, and millions from local jails. Many of these people will end up reoffending and going back to jail or prison soon after their release. Heather Jackson is a professional in…


Journaling Tips for Beginners 

Journaling is an excellent strategy for self-care – you get all your thoughts and anxieties out of your brain and onto paper, focus your mind, and de stress. Calming the mind in this way is most effective when repeated daily, but many struggle to stick…


Reading to Conquer the Post-Travel Blues 

Autumn is upon us – kids are going back to school, the leaves are turning, and vacations are ending. Americans were able to travel a little bit more recently as the country opened up. International travel has decreased significantly, but many people hit the road…


How to Find Time for Faith 

It’s often in the busiest seasons of life that are the best to step back, take a deep breath, and make your way back to your faith. Sometimes we tow the line and procrastinate, saying we’ll go to Church next sunday, or the sunday after…

US Army, US Veterans

Reflecting on Independence Day 

Wrapping up this past weekend’s festivities gives us space to reflect on what the fourth of July stands for, and how we can celebrate veterans and uplift fellow Americans with less freedoms. Army Officer Heather Jackson gives her advice on how we can respectfully celebrate…