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Category: US Army

US Army, US Veterans

Reflecting on Independence Day 

Wrapping up this past weekend’s festivities gives us space to reflect on what the fourth of July stands for, and how we can celebrate veterans and uplift fellow Americans with less freedoms. Army Officer Heather Jackson gives her advice on how we can respectfully celebrate…

Heather Jackson Augmented Reality
Tech, US Army

U.S. Army augmented reality training 

Microsoft teams up with the Army for Augmented Reality (AR) training and devices. Heather Jackson, proud veteran, discusses the potential for this collaboration: It’s no secret that the military gravitates toward innovation.   And when it comes to training, navigating that cutting edge is absolutely…

Heather Jackson Harlem Hellfighters
US Army

US Army embraces ‘Harlem Hellfighters’ nickname 

The United States Army has officially recognized a new nickname for the men and women of the military branch. Dating back more than a century, the nickname is nothing but new! Heather Jackson shares insight: The men and women of the US Army have been…

Heather Jackson US Army IT
Tech, US Army

Information Technology in the United States Army 

Information Technology in the United States Army The United States Army is looking to expand its enterprise IT program as a service. Veteran, Heather Jackson discusses what this could mean in terms of potential roles and job opportunities for currently serving personnel: Information Technology (IT)…

Heather Jackson US Army Dog
US Army

US Army Dogs Enter ‘Augmented Reality’ 

When it comes to innovation, the United States military is never in short supply. Our service members thrive when it comes to developing the ‘next big thing.’ Now, military dogs are joining the ranks of their human coworkers thanks to futuristic AR glasses! According to…