In 1994, Congress determined that federal aid would be banned for people behind bars. As of December 21, 2020, that ban has been lifted — making for a win that Reentry Services programs are cheering on all across the nation.

The opportunity to continue one’s education can have incredible benefits for any individual.  For inmates, the chance to do so while incarcerated can be truly life-changing.  So many people in prison long for the day they can better themselves on the outside.  Particularly motivated inmates even aim to get a head start on the process by working towards their lifelong education goals in their prison cells.

Now, this opportunity to better themselves, and change their lives, is becoming a reality within reach.  Thanks to Congress’s move to lift the ban on federal aid (specifically, the Pell grant) for inmates pursuing collegiate courses behind bars.  Heather Jackson, a longtime supporter of the Reentry Services, commends this wonderful decision to overturn the initial 1994 ban.