It’s often in the busiest seasons of life that are the best to step back, take a deep breath, and make your way back to your faith. Sometimes we tow the line and procrastinate, saying we’ll go to Church next sunday, or the sunday after that, but in reality, we need to find our faith in every moment of our lives. 

If you can’t make it to your Church’s congregations, see if there are Zoom links you can join from the comfort of your home. His teachings have become more accessible than ever, you just need to want it.

Heather Jackson - How to Find Time for Faith
Image: Pexels

Some people question their faith during hectic times, but this is a true opportunity to lean into your faith more. Whether you are in a season of good times or bad, spending time with Jesus through prayer could be the salvation you’re looking for. Ask yourself why you’re neglecting your faith, what’s causing the rift? Maybe you feel a sense of “lack” or “not enough-ness,” why do you think you feel that way?

If you like to read before bed, consider reading Bible passages that have moved or inspired you in the past to reignite that spark you may feel you lost. Remember that through all phases of life, He is with us. We build a powerful bond with Him through His teachings, and He is with us always.

For more insights into Heather Jackson’s life, consider following her blog.